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About me

My Story
My  Goal for this site

My first goal is to educate and be a resource hub to all prenatal and postpartum women in my reach. I want to have resources readily available for functional movement and recovery, nutrition, mental health, body image and more! 


Another goal is to be a safe, non-judgmental space for women to ask questions and get answers for their specific situations. If I don't know the answer to questions I will not guess but try to help you find the best resource to answer your questions. 


**I am not a medical professional and cannot diagnose issues. Please get an official diagnosis from a medical professional. 

I had my first child in 2017. Just like most new soon-to-be mothers I was so curious and anxious to learn everything I could on being pregnant and how to take care of our newborn. Nine months came and went so quickly and we were blessed with a beautiful baby girl! Six weeks later we went in for my follow up and I was told everything looked good and that I was cleared to exercise again, YAY! I had definitely been missing exercising like I had come to love before getting pregnant and couldn't wait to get back into the gym...but where to start? I searched on the internet and found very, I mean, VERY little on the topic. I did learned that kegels were supposed to the magic to getting back your function again so I guess that was something, right?


Day one back at the gym, I decided I could just pick up where I left off right? I mean, the doctor said I was good to go?! Turns out my body knew differently because running did NOT feel good, crunches made me pee almost every time as well as almost every other squatting movement. None of this was feeling right making me feel pretty defeated and lost on how to navigate postpartum exercise. 


Luckily, for me, one of my favorite CrossFit athletes was pregnant at the time and had a coach (Brianna Battles) that was helping her navigate her pregnancy as well as her postpartum recovery! The information she was sharing was like nothing I had ever even heard of! Of course I started following her and reading every post she had on postpartum athleticism. I was learning about things like diastasis recti, pelvic organ prolapse and incontinence (unwanted peeing). That was ME!! I finally found a resource that gave good functional advice. Another lucky moment came when Brianna was going to a workshop in UTAH! I signed up and could not wait! During the workshop I almost cried multiple times because the information she was sharing is exactly what I needed to hear and realized right then every woman should be hearing this! As soon as the workshop was over I signed up for her coaching course, completed the course and become a certified Pregnancy & Postpartum Athleticism Coach! 


I have been so incredibly passionate about this since then and have been able to tap into so many awesome resources that I feel every woman must have access to, especially when it comes to navigating postpartum recovery and athleticism. 



My Training

Certified Pregnancy & Postpartum Athleticism Coach

Brianna Battles Coaching Course 2018 & 2019

Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

NSCA Certification (In Progress)

Danielle Tanuvasa

Pregnancy & Postpartum Athleticism Coach

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© 2020 by Danielle Tanuvasa. Proudly created with

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